
Billy and Teddy’s Excellent Matrimony

It’s finally happening, the Young Avengers we fell in love with are finally getting hitched.

Today, Marvel sent out the wedding announcements with news that the end of the Empyre event book will be followed up with a new series called Empyre: Avengers Aftermath along with the cover of the first issue. The image by artist Jim Cheung shows Teddy and Billy, aka Hulkling and Wiccan, embracing one another with the Avengers team celebrating the couple’s recent marriage.

While this is excellent news for the happy couple, some questions remain. Like, where are they registered?

Light spoiler warning: in Empyre #4 it’s revealed that Billy and Teddy were secretly married before the cosmic comic event began. It’s likely Empyre: Avengers Aftermath will simply come to terms with the pieces left to pick up. Alternatively, it could be an opportunity to celebrate another rare LGBTQ wedding ceremony in the 616.

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